My rant for the week
Dear Naked Narratives,
I really like the fact that your perpetuating the narrative about sex workers of color specifically " femmes " but as a male sex worker of color I really wish that we were more often included in these conversations, not just as allies but as peers in the struggle for sexual, racial and societal equality.
I've been in the buisness for more than 17 years and while male sex workers are by far not the norm their are many men of color who identify as sex workers in both the straight, queer, gay and trans communities who suffer from unfair Anglo-Patriarchal laws stereotypes and colonial normatives that specifically leave African American and other POC groups vulnerable.
Whether it be the unfair dispensation or enforcement of vice laws or the stiffer penalties given to sex workers of color, the conversation has to continue. But male sex workers of color, rare as it maybe, should be apart of the conversation.
As a member of both the BDSM and leather communities ( I am a 3 time title holder ) I have been openly discriminated against for being both a professional dominant, sex worker and a person of color by my own family, peers, community and by organization that are supposed to preach sexual, racial and gender inclusivity / acceptance. Couple that with the societal, patriarchal and racial expectations for men/men of color to conform to stereotype ideals of masculinity and you have a group of people suffering beneath the near constant weight of not only patriarchy but the last vestiges of Jim Crow era laws, politics and mentalities that not only force minority men into social and sexual conformity but harshly shame and penalize them when they don't.
So I hope that in the near future we will see more minority men being included in the sex workers of color conversation because at the heart of true " solidarity " lies total inclusivity.
With love and respect
Orpheus Black
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