Question: As a gay Muslim, do I deserve to Die?

As a Buddhist, I would like to point out that the whole concept of “deserving” is an entitlement or a type of attachment that leads a person to believe that they inherently warrant a specific kind of treatment . And we, as Buddhists believe that all attachments need to be let go of because they lead to suffering . So when you remove this attachment as well as it's implied moral justification, you will see that no thing , under any circumstances deserves to die! And no one , under any circumstances deserves to be killed.

The conflict between your nature and your religion does not make your life forfeit in the eyes of god, nor should it be seen as worthless simply because you choose to love differently. As a man of faith, I believe that while your soul belongs to God, your mind, body and heart belongs to the world. ( Ubuntu ) I believe that you and all beings were put on this planet for one purpose; to provide care, compassion, tenderness and love to each and every person without discrimination do to race, creed, religion, gender or sexual-orientation. And to loose your light, as a result of mans bigotry, would only make the world a darker place.

You, like all of mankind, were born to live and love in accordance with your nature and no religion on the planet has a doctorin that advocates against that.

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