What is the Enso method of training
The Enso Method is a holistic approach to BDSM and Slave Training. It is a philosophy that pertains to the duality in all things. In the case of slave training it pertains to a sub/slave’s ability to exist as everything and nothing simultaneously, like the Chinese Yin and Yang or the Japanese No and Yo, which is essential to the basic development of a human being.

This holistic approach relies on two basic fundamental principles. The first is that cause and effect shapes our DS and MS dynamic. The second is that there is duality in all things and that by highlighting the more positive attributes of a person’s personality the negative will be greatly reduced but will never be completely gone. 

And that is very important, It is important for a dominant to understand that all the undesirable behavior will not and should not be driven from there servants. It is the contrast that will provide us not only with the subs prime directive but the foundation for her training. 

 Remember your sub will "always be a monster - there is no turning back from it." As Julie Kagawa wrote in the Eternity Cure, "But what kind of monster (She will) become is entirely up to you.” 

The Path to Enso starts when a sub begins unshackling themselves from their preconceived notions of what they feel DS or SM should be and begins to realize and embrace what it means to serve another or to put another’s wants and desire above there own. A sub that is striving to distinguish between her DS needs and obligation and there vanilla wants and desires of her former life is striving for and is cultivating Enso mindset which seeks harmony between both of these contradictory lifestyles.

Mu is not to be thought of as a simple negation however, but rather as a “universal solvent” through which one’s personal identity and attachments to predetermined conceptualizations of reality are stripped away.

The role of a Dominant in the training 
The dominants roll in the slave training process is simply to to Inspire, Motivate and empower there sub be the best that they can be.

Using this theory, Enso training can be broken down into 3 aspects of a servant’s development.

• Strength signifies not only a subs physical but a sub’s mental toughness and dedication to her journey as a sub. Strength also represents his or her commitment to those they serve and their desire to better themselves so that he or she can be of better service to their Master.

• Elegance is the effortless way in which he or she carries out their service to their master and the level of decorum displayed under the most strenuous of tasks. There is also an elegance in the accepting physical correction and strict adherence to protocol. There is also elegance in the discretion that is used in the utilization or dissemination of this knowledge. 

• Enlightenment puritans to the mind state of the servant. This is his or her ability to loose themselves in there service and the knowledge that they gain through actively pursuing this path. 


To me it is the duty of the dominant find to figure out what drives and motivates a sub so that they can take on an active role in their own training. 

It is finding there desire and using it to inspire them that is the key to successful training and demonstrates a dominants true mastery. 

but like a child, as a sub grows their movements become more refined and eventually effortless which brings us to the second part which is Elegance.

There isn't a lot of mystery in the first two portions of Enso Training. 

The third portion and hardest to achieve of these is Enlightenment, the Mind aspect, which in my opinion can only be found through experience; through service.

In closing a sub/slaves ability to grow is limitless but they need to have both sub and slave aspects in order to be healthy and well-rounded, and that is not something that can be taught or mentored. The only way that they can achieve Enso is through hard work and dedication to being of service to a master and following that path.

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