Do you feel that the house income an expenses should be the sole responsibility of the head of the house (The D/type) or are you of the belief that two or more incomes are better than one?
To answer your question, Yes I think that, "more than one income is better." Multiple revenue streams are always better than one. But I don't think that is the heart of what you are asking here. I think what you mean is, " In a D/s based Poly Household should the Dominant be responsible for every financial aspect of there day to day life or should it be done communally?"
The answer is, "Its up to all persons involved." In other words, as long as the vision is mutual and shared by all involved then the poly families financial dynamic should be sound.
For example, I know a person who has multiple slaves and none of them are allowed to work and they aren't able to own anything. Their whole purpose is to please their Master. Allot of the Mistresses I know that have live in subs don't work. They feel that there job is to over see their slaves and the everyday house hold operations. Now some poly purists... like me wouldn't consider this a "Traditional Poly Family" or Communal Living which is essential to 24/7 Traditional Poly Relationships were everyone has a voice. I would consider this Cohabitation.
The Intentional Community website defines communal living as "an inclusive term for ecovillages, cohousing communities, residential land trusts, communes, student co-ops, urban housing cooperatives, intentional living, alternative communities, cooperative living, and other projects where people strive together with a common vision." I would even go as far as to add that, each individual has a hand in creating the vision and an obligation to see it through.
But, the long and the short of it is that like relationships Cohabitation, Communal Living, Poly, D/s has many different forms and only one is right for you and yours.